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This organization is the international honor society that recognizes and promotes commitment to academic excellence in two-year colleges. Phi Theta Kappa supports the four hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship that are designed to give members opportunities for personal and academic growth as well as service to others. The Northeast State chapter is Alpha Iota Chi, and it has achieved five-star status, the highest level of participation in Phi Theta Kappa activities. Jane Honeycutt (L303A, 423.354.2596) and Tabetha Garman (L303C, 423.354.5180) are the faculty advisors. For the latest information about Chapter activities, click on the website link below.

Click on the Alpha Iota Chi Website

Eligibility Requirements 

  • 12 hours of college-level coursework completed
  • 3.5 GPA

Join Phi Theta Kappa
(passcode required)

Note: Invitations to join Phi Theta Kappa are sent to your Stumail and as a formal letter in the mail. In the invitation, you will find the passcode needed to join.


What do I get for my $80?

We supply you with an Alpha Iota Chi membership certificate, and International will send you your certificate and gold lapel pin. You are automatically eligible for numerous scholarships locally and nationwide.

Do I have to be active?

No. You can participate as little or as much as you would like. Just remember that when you are active, you will stand a better chance of getting noticed by four-year colleges and potential employers. You become much more competitive for scholarships when you are active.

What does 5 Star Chapter mean?

Alpha Iota Chi is a 5 Star Chapter, the highest level a chapter can achieve. The stars represent how hard you work as a chapter. The more stars—the harder you work and the more you are involved with your community.

What does 5 Star Chapter Member mean?

Through the PTK Competitive Edge program, members can achieve 5-Star status. You will be able to be an active PTK member on your own time, develop a professional resume, and learn of the many benefits of PTK membership.

What does my chapter (Alpha Iota Chi) participate in?

We are involved in numerous projects throughout the year, a few of which are listed below. If you are getting ready to graduate, and if you have a minimal amount of time to devote to the chapter, you can still make your mark by helping us with:

Honors in Action: The focus of this project changes each academic year.

College Project: Like Honors in Action, the College Project changes each year. We will be meeting with the administration to determine their goals and objectives for the years and how we can help them achieve those goals.   

Bring Back the Buzz: We maintain a honey bee habitat between the General Studies building and the Humanities building in order to maintain a natural environment attractive to the honey bee, which is so essential to pollination. 

Because of You Campaign: We raise money each year during the Because of You campaign to support the chapter and contribute to the Honors Endowed and Annual Scholarship Funds.  

Keeping Our Promise Peer Mentoring: Phi Theta Kappa students are encouraged to become mentors to Northeast State students needing academic and personal support. 

Become a Mentor

We get to travel throughout Tennessee and beyond to learn about leadership, scholarship and service opportunities.

Be on the lookout for emails, and you can very easily help us accomplish our goals because every little bit from you helps us to reach out to our community and make a difference.

Names and Phone Numbers


2023-24 Officers

Ethan Thacker:  President

Jasmine Monroe:  College Project Chair

Xander Pike:  Honors in Action Project Chair

Sharia Alvarenga:  Vice President of Communications

Christian Canty:  Vice President of Fellowship

Makayla Luttrell:  Vice President of Online Engagement

Jamie Korman:  Secretary

Timothy Vanfossen:  Treasurer

Connect with Northeast State

Northeast State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. For questions or concerns, please contact the Affirmative Action Officer.