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Adjunct Faculty Syllabi, Evaluations and Taking Attendance

Student Evaluations

Each adjunct faculty member will be evaluated by students at least one time annually. All new adjunct faculty will have student evaluations in all classes taught the first semester. After midterm, you will be provided forms and instructions for conducting student evaluations of faculty. Please follow the instructions provide . Instructors cannot be present in the classroom while evaluations are being conducted and the evaluations must be turned in to an administrator by a designated student. Other student evaluations of adjunct faculty will be conducted at the discretion of the Academic Dean.

To ensure quality instruction, adjunct faculty members may be observed and evaluated by academic administrators.

Course Syllabus

It is mandatory for the adjunct instructor to follow the established course syllabus and use any required texts.

The appropriate academic administrator will provide adjunct faculty with a course syllabus for each assigned class. Each student must receive a copy of the syllabus and it is the responsibility of the instructor to go over the syllabus with the students to make sure each student understands the expectations. Policy 02:07:00

  • Course Content: Course content is standardized for all classes. It is important that you cover all the material listed on the syllabus. Adjunct faculty members are expected to adhere to the established evaluation criteria as described in the course syllabus. Prior approval must be obtained from the appropriate Academic Dean to use a system that differs from the one on the syllabus.
  • Grading Policy: This section tells the student how grades are determined. Reviewing grading policies with the students will help prevent a misunderstanding when students receive their final grades.
  • Prerequisites: To be successful in some courses offered at Northeast State, students must have mastered certain specific skills. Therefore, it is required that certain courses (prerequisites) are completed before students can enroll in more advanced studies. The student is responsible for meeting these prerequisites.
  • Course Objectives: The syllabus contains specific objectives the student will attain or be able to perform upon the successful completion of each course.
  • Text: Any texts listed as required on the syllabus must be obtained by the students and used by the instructor as a primary source of instruction.

Adjunct instructors are required to complete and distribute a course addendum to the students detailing specific information, i.e., best method of contact, etc. Academic deans will provide the form/format. A copy of this is to be turned in to the division office prior to the start of classes.

Tests/Final Examinations

Students may not exempt any part of the grade requirements listed in the course syllabus. Further, the final exam must be administered on the date established by the College which is posted in the annual Registration Guide. Any variance from the Final Exam Schedule requires approval from the appropriate academic dean.

Departmental Exams Finals and Pretests

Some courses have a departmental final exam that must be administered to all sections of that course. In some cases, there is also a departmental pretest, which must be administered the first day of class. When included on the official course syllabus, both the departmental final exam and pretest are requirements for all students in the course. These tests are designed to measure achievement of the course objectives listed in the official course syllabus. In addition, where required, the pretest is used to assess a student’s readiness for the course or to advise placement of the student in a different course. The pretest is generally constructed either by the author of the text used for the course or by departmental faculty familiar with the course prerequisites. Departmental faculty construct the final exam using the objectives set out in the syllabus as a guide. All copies of the tests must be returned to the division at the end of the semester.

Roll Book Instructions

Faculty members are required to keep accurate daily attendance and evaluation records. All adjunct faculty are expected to keep their records in the following manner. This information will be submitted to the academic dean at the end of the semester as part of the adjunct checkout process.

  1. Label all class dates.
  2. List student names and ID numbers.
  3. Mark student attendance.
  4. Label all number grades as tests, quizzes, labs, reports, etc.
  5. Include an explanation of the method used to arrive at the final grade. List any exception to this method for deriving final grades. For example, if a student has excessive absences and this affects his/her final grade, include a note explaining this.

Class Rosters

Official class rosters are obtained and available by accessing the Banner Student Information System. The class rolls are current and up-to-date as changes occur to a student’s schedule. Do not allow any student whose name does not appear on the class summary/roll to remain in your class. Send a student attending class whose name does not appear on this summary should be sent to the Admissions Office. Faculty should check and monitor class rolls periodically throughout the semester using the Banner Student Information System.

Student Attendance VerificationvvProcess

The federal government requires that colleges verify that students receiving monies from student financial aid have attended at least one class meeting for all courses enrolled before financial aid monies are distributed to these students.

Adjunct faculty will input their class attendance using the Banner Student Information System. Any student whose name is not on the class roster should be sent to Admissions to resolve any registration or enrollment issues in order to remain in the class. Attendance is required to be entered immediately after the first class meeting and checked often. Class cancellations and late registration result in students entering classes after the first day of class. The attendance of these students must also be verified and reported. Students may get purged and re-enrolled requiring you to re verify and update a student’s attendance record to reflect their first time attendance. The Banner attendance system is used to verify a student’s one time attendance for financial aid purposes. Instructors are also required to maintain a students’ daily attendance in their roll book for reporting purposes.

Daily attendance is not to be kept or maintained using Banner. It is the responsibility of an adjunct faculty member to follow the student attendance verification process and keep an accurate record of student attendance and grades.

Refer to the College Catalog or Nor State Policies and Procedures Manual for more information and guidance. Contact your Academic Dean or full-time mentor with additional questions.

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Northeast State Community College, a Tennessee Board of Regents institution, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. For questions or concerns, please contact the Affirmative Action Officer.